Today, I got nominated by the blog
http://itsgoingtohappen.blogspot.co.uk/ for the liebster award. I'm not really that sure what it is, but i've read
Megan McAstocker's blog post on it and apparently it's for not very well known bloggers. The quote for it is :
"The Liebster award is given to up and coming bloggers to encourage them to continue their work. What is a Liebster? The meaning: Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome."
I am really happy that someone actually nominated me for something. I'm sort of shocked too..I didn't think anyone really read my blog! There are some things you need to so once you have been nominated for the award and, of course, i'm going to do them!
The things are:
*You should thank the person who nominated you. (I think everyone would anyway :p)
*You have to display the Liebster heart on your blog.
*Nominate up to 11 blogs that you like that have under 200 subscribers.
*Post 11 random things about yourself on your blog.
*Answer the questions that have been given to you by the blogger who nominated you. (I'll put the questions to the people I've nominated at the end)
*You have to create 11 questions for the people you nominate to answer.
*Tell your nominees you've nominated them!
*Don't do 'I'll nominate you if you nominate me' type things, nominate the person if you like their blog!
These are the answers to '
Itsgoingtohappen''s questions!
1. What is your favourite shade of nail varnish?
My favourtite shade of nail varnish is 'Beach Party' by Models Own.
2. What is your favourite style era i.e 1920's?
1930's (sophisticated and lady like)
3. If you could be someone else for one day, who would you be?
I would be one of the popular girls at school..hahaha.
4. Your most embarrassing moment?
When I was walking into the 'cool kids' area at school and I fell down the steps..:(
5. 5 things you always carry in your handbag?
Phone, money, Anxiety necklace, Make up bag and a pen.............
6. Someone you would be lost without?
My Nan.
7. What inspired you to start blogging?
When I watched Zoella's videos and I saw how many amazing people she met as a result of doing it!
8. Audrey Hepburn or Marilyn Monroe?
Marilyn Monroe
9. Your favourite film?
Beauty and the beast :D
10. Your favourite genre of music?
I like all of them but my favourite is probably Indie.
11. One song that has a significant meaning to you and why?
I've wanted to tell someone this for ages! Ok, so it's 'Not giving in' by rudimental. This song had a significant meaning to me because when my panic attacks were really bad, I used to listen to this song and think about the lyrics and it helped me in some way..
The 11 random things about me:
1. I have to take my dogs on a walk every day. I love it.
2. I have panic attacks.
3.I saved two dogs from rescue places. One had been burnt badly and the other has only got one eye now.
4. I live in the middle of no where and I'm surrounded by fields.
5.I love mashed potato..so much..I could eat it all day.
6. I love science and would love to be a doctor, so I can help people get better!
7.I have a weird obsession with brushing my teeth.
8. Wales is my favourtie place to be in the whole wide world.
9. I love playing the sims 3.. I LOVE IT.
10. I love meeting and speaking to new people.
11. I have a lump on my finger because when i was two i bent it back in the bath. This stopped me playing the violin because it stopped me from reaching the 'E' string xD.
The 11 questions for my nominees are:
1. Who do you look up to the most?
2. What do you like to do the most?
3. Why did you start a blog?
4. Favourite book?
5. Iphone or android?
6. Favourtie shop?
7. Facebook or Tumblr?
8. Favourite food?
9. Weird thing about yourself?
10. Favourite place to be?
11. What do you want to do in the future?
The people I have nominated are:
Becky Brown
Thankyou to Megan once again!
Byeee xx